Exam management software Manage exams with ease
Exam scheduling with online registration and payments – Arlo makes it easy to timetable your exam schedule and automatically publish this to your website to accept online registration and payments.

Dashboard with real-time activity
View information in real-time. At a glance, see what workshops are coming up, monitor registrations, view workshops people have registered interest in, track the value of orders per month, and manage your daily tasks.

Manage your exams
Manage all exam information and resources in one place, online, and accessible from anywhere on the web. Track tasks, record notes, send emails, print name labels, and produce certificates.

Easily schedule exams
Exam templates and presets automatically pre-populate information making scheduling exams that re-run on multiple dates and locations easy.

Arlo features

Use Arlo’s built-in website or integrate Arlo into
your existing site.

Online Registration
Accept online registrations and payments via credit card, bank transfer, and invoice.

Course management
Manage all information and resources through Arlo: one place, online, and accessible wherever you are.

Store client information and manage relationships in Arlo’s customer database or integrate Salesforce.
Marketing tools
Capture leads from your website and run campaigns to promote your training and events.

Offer live online learning, self-paced online learning, and blended learning.

Finance & invoicing
Issue invoices, track payment and automatically integrate records with your accounting system.

Access information you need to make informed business decisions.
See how Arlo could transform your business
Try our FREE 14 day trial