Recently updated on August 27th, 2019
At Arlo we know how creating a closely-knit, happy and productive A-team fosters a great work environment that people enjoy and want to succeed.
Our team building on Friday night not only gave us a great laugh, it helped to increase communication amongst our team and also formed some great memories we can share.
Being locked in the Escape Mate vault in the basement of an old building in the CBD in Wellington trying to stop a band of organised criminals from committing their next crime, led us to some adrenaline pumped action whilst we raced against the clock to stop theses criminals for good.
Solving the many clues to work out the final combination for the lock to our freedom and nailing the bad guys proved a seriously complex but fun activity.
Given roles as police, we ended up acting more like combination of James Bond and Sherlock Holmes. Every clue solved was a team victory and while we were stoked to have figured it out (with a couple of extra clues from our hosts), it ended all too quickly!!!
And what sort of team activities does your workplace do? Are there any you’d recommend for others to give a go?